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Genealogy in Lincoln, Lincolnshire.
- Axholme -
The Isle of Axholme F.H.S. submit 01/01/2010
- Axholme Ancestry -
They link people by relationship and history with the Isle of Axholme, at the heart of Lincolnshire. Information here in has been offered freely for sharing by their members or can otherwise be found in public records. Free Genealogy look-up website.
submit 11/06/2010
- England GenWeb Project -
England GenWeb Project - Lincolnshire with Archives and Libraries, Census Records, Church Records, Cities, Towns and Parishes Civil Registration for the county of Lincolnshire. submit 19/12/2001
GENUKI - Genealogical research information about Lincolnshire, England. submit 19/12/2001
- Grasby Roots -
Professional Genealogical Service submit 01/01/2010
- Linconshire genealogy Lincs -
A sub section of dedicated to Family History, submit 01/01/2010
- Lincs to the Past -
Over 500,000 images of Parish Records, museum objects, maps, private inventories, photos and exhibitions. Ideal for casual browsing & family history research. submit 23/07/2011
- Meeds Family -
Family Tree of Simon Meeds and other genealogy links submit 29/01/2000
- Peter Starling Family Historian -
Affordable family history research service. Free no obligation consultation. submit 13/02/2010
Todays thought -
Some pursue happiness - others create it.